
Bart and Anja Nemegheer-Provyn are the heart and soul of De aardappelhoeve. Their passion for agriculture runs through their veins. Ever since they have taken over the farm from their parents in the early 90s, they have been focusing mainly on the expansion of the potato branch. Nowadays the company is specialised in growing, storing, washing and packaging both organic and conventional table potatoes. 

Meet the team and history of De aardappelhoeve.

Our staff members

“We keep challenging ourselves to lift the potato cultivation to another level. We believe local cultivation and a short chain are the future. Dare to act, exchange expert opinions and surround yourself with an enthusiastic team, these are the things that make our company progress.”

Bart, CEO


“We have a clear mission: deliver honest and quality products from the field to the plate. That’s why we don’t only invest in durable solutions; we also think organic production is very important.”

Anja, CEO



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